Sunday, August 24, 2008

Budgeting To Repay Debts Is Not Always Easy

Category: Finance, Credit.

With more and more credit card offers coming on the market, consumers have found themselves caught up in spiral of unsecured debt.

This is a good resolution but to give you the best chances of success, make sure your financial resolution is done the S. As the New Year began you may have made several resolutions, one of which is to reduce your debt. T way. Specific. The acronym SMART is the criteria by which all goals should be set and it stands for Specific, Achievable, Measurable, Realistic and Time bound. When setting your financial goals, write down exactly what you want to achieve.

Which credit card or loan does your goal apply to? Do you want to repay$ 5000 on your credit card or loan by the end of the year? Etc. Measurable. It is not sufficient to say I will reduce my debt this year as this does not give you specific actions to work with. You should be able to measure if your debt is decreasing. Most of all you should not use the card for any purchases during the year as this would defeat the purpose of the debt reduction.

This may involve transferring funds to a 0% balance transfer credit card where you have no interest to pay so you reduce the capital faster. Achievable. If you have other major expenses like car payments, can you find, university fees etc an extra$ 5000 for the year to put towards debt reduction? Is the goal to reduce your debt by$ 5000, actually possible, for example? Whatever the amount you wish to reduce your debt by, you need to ensure you can actually do it. You must do a personal audit and determine if you have the resources to achieve your goal. Realistic.

If your salary after taxes, expenses and all bills payments is$ 200 can you afford to clear$ 10, 000 in one year? You need to check out what you have that can raise cash in order to achieve your goal. Maybe you have items you have bought in the past that could be sold which could enable you to achieve$ 500In such a case your goal would not seem that unrealistic. Time bound. When you use a time frame say one year, you can then budget to determine how much you would be able to pay towards your debt over the 12 month period. Setting a specific goal and ensuring you have the resources to accomplish it is good, but you also need to set a time limit. It also gives you a deadline to work with.

Budgeting to repay debts is not always easy. If at some time during the year you realise you are falling behind, you can then re- evaluate the monthly payment needed to reach your goal and possibly employ other methods to raise the funds. You need to be determined and focused. Once you choose to reduce your debt the SMART way, stick to your plan and the chance of success would definitely be stacked in your favor. It also calls for sacrifices to be made.


The First Thing To Check Is The Size Of The Balance Transfer Fee - Finance and Credit:

Balance transfers were at one time all the rage, and one of the main criteria people used when deciding on a new credit card. This practice was hugely popular for the next five years or so, and was costing the card issuers a small fortune in lost interest charges, and so the balance transfer fee was introduced, whereby a fee of between 2% and 3% of the amount transferred was charged, This fee quickly dampened enthusiasm for balance transfers, effectively ending the loophole that allowed free debts.

Accuracy Of Credit Limits - Belinda Geisinger's Finance and Credit blog:

With the deluge of information available and extraordinary offers from companies to fix or repair your bad credit, it is difficult to believe that 80% of cases can be resolved in short- order by only focusing on a few areas of a credit report.

The Same Goes For Gas - Finance and Credit Articles:

Everyone in today s society likes to drive automobiles.

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